Autism: new discoveries.
Thanks to new DNA sequencing technologies and in vitro models of neuronal cells, researchers at the universities of Turin and Cologne identified CAPRIN1, the gene responsible for the development of a rare form of autism. The study, published in the scientific journal Brain, opens up new diagnostic possibilities for a disorder that starts in the first years of life and affects 1% of the population. With these new discoveries, autism can be diagnosed sooner and therapies more timely.
QT robot: a great help for children with autism.
Autism treatments involve the use of different therapies: cognitive, logopedal and neuropsychomotor, all supported by the use of new technologies.
Among these, QT robot stands out, a humanoid – developed by a start-up in Luxembourg – that helps children with autism acquire new communication, emotional and social skills, starting from the simplest activities up to more complex tasks. QT robot suggests, for example, some self-regulation strategies to help the child increase the quality and level of attention and to regain calm in case of excessive emotional intensity.
Article published in Sanità Informazione.
Autism #scientific research #celluleneuronali #terapiacognitiva #terapialogopedica #neuropsicomotricità #robotumanoide #QTrobot