Italy “calls”. Tourists respond!
Italian airports reopen from June 3rd. From June 15th follow those of France, Germany and Greece. The situation is still fluid, in some countries an opening date has been scheduled of incoming and outgoing traffic, in others still an absolute ban on circulation.
The measures range from the request for specific reasons to the requirement of quarantine for whom it comes from another state.
Country by country, here is the situation of prohibitions and entry permits. In an article of Sole 24 hours that speaks of #Germany, #France, #Austria, #Belgium, #Bulgaria, #Cipro, #Croatia, #Denmark, #Finland, #Slovenia, #Switzerland, #Greece, #Ireland, #Iceland, #Malta,
#Norway, #Poland, #Portugal, #United Kingdom, #Spain and #Turkey.
The hope is that soon there will be no more black lists among European countries.