Travel abroad in time of Covid

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) digital Covid Travel Pass is expected to start in March. The document will certify that the passenger has undergone Covid-19 tests or has been vaccinated. It is an indispensable measure to resume traveling by plane. The system is based on trust: on the part of passengers who are subjected to accurate tests and on the part of governments who recognize the validity of the measures taken in other countries.

The Pass can be integrated with other systems already in use and will be available for free on iOS and Android platforms. Singapore Airlines has already tested it and is being studied by Etihad, Emirates, Qatar Airways, Air New Zealand.
The paper equivalent is the Yellow Card, a document from the World Health Organization that certifies vaccinations by passengers, but according to IATA the risk of fraud for paper documents is too high.

The effects of the pandemic have been disastrous for the airline sector: according to IATA data, demand has fallen by almost 70% in 2020 compared to 2019. The sector hopes for a recovery in 2021, but it is unlikely given the timing distribution of vaccines. In this scenario, the Travel Pass is the most necessary.

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