Tourism 2024: foreigners return to Italy

The number of foreign visitors in our country is still higher than it was in 2019, as evidenced by data processed by the Centro Studi Turistici di Firenze per Assoturismo Confesercenti. An increase of 8.1% was observed between the previous year and 445.3 million visitors to accommodation facilities. This result not only confirms a recovery, but also exceeds the figures of the period before the pandemic, years in which tourist arrivals stopped at 436.7 million.

The growth is mainly driven by the contribution made by foreign visitors, with an increase in international attendance of 13.7% compared to 2022, for a total of over 228.5 million (220.6 million in 2019). The number of overnight stays in Italy increased by 2.8% compared to the previous year, with a total of 216.8 million (216 million in 2019).

North and South had mixed outcomes.

The pattern of recovery differs between regions. In the South and the Islands growth is more contained, closing the year with an increase of 4.4%, as well as in the North East where there is an increase of 7%. The North West and Center have growth rates higher than the national average, respectively +11.7% and +10.4%.

Very good accommodation in cities of art.

There has been a 9.3% increase in accommodation, both hotel and extra-hotel, with a total of 276.2 million tourists. During 2023, the preferred structures will be cities and art centers (+11.4%) and mountains (+11.1%). Positive estimates emerge for structures located in rural areas and in the hills (+10.3%), spas (+10.2%), and lake resorts (+9.6%).

The forecast for the year 2024

For this year the forecasts of those who work in tourism are mostly stable (59.6% of those interviewed), while for the remaining part the attitude is both positive (increase for 19.7%), and negative (decrease for 20.7%). Entrepreneurs who work in seaside resorts and rural areas are most worried, whereas those in art cities are the most optimistic.