Innovation and technology for your customers.
Our focus at Argos Assistance has always been on innovation and technology to improve the quality of service we provide to our customers. The iHumy artificial intelligence platform was initially introduced as a support tool for the operations center to ensure timely and accurate responses to our customers.
Today, iHumyriesce’s ability to learn 90,000 words in 30 minutes is a great help for our operators in carrying out various activities. In particular, the platform deals with the classification of e-mails that arrive at the operations center, which receives about 250,000 e-mails per year and 30,000 calls. Our consultants can respond faster and in a personalized way by screening requests beforehand.
We are proud of our system, also because it is the result of experimentation in partnership with a software house specialized in the development of artificial intelligence platforms that collaborates with the University of Verona.