Artificial intelligence and Covid.
In an article published on the ‘Digital Agenda’, Domenico Marino of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria cites a number of experiments used for the diagnosis of Covid-19. At the University of California, San Diego, researchers worked for more than a year on an artificial intelligence program that could detect pneumonia from chest x-rays, which was then successfully applied to Covid patients.
In New York, two of the major hospital systems use artificial intelligence algorithms to decide when and how patients should go to another, more intensive, care phase or be sent home. Finally, with Carbyne’s technology, the city of New Orleans has created an innovative digital triage system allowing for priority of emergency resources to be given to the most needy people, helping people who have not requested life-saving interventions and to protect the paramedics from unnecessary exposure to the virus. Thanks to AI it is possible to perform simulations on the evolution of epidemics, using demographic data, personal information and data on mobility models and commuting networks.
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