Healthcare tourism: where to go in Italy.

Health tourism is coming back after the pandemic is over. According to a recent report of the Fondazione Gimbe in 2020, interregional health mobility in Italy has reached a value of €3.33 billion. This trend was also confirmed by Casamica Odv who in 2022 opened its doors to about 5 thousand people at the six houses between Milan, Rome and Lecco, for almost 40,000 nights of hospitality, an increase of 18% compared to 2021. According to data from the Court of Auditors, between 2012 and 2021, 13 Regions and PA presented a negative balance regarding health mobility, with 14.9 billion euros flowing from the Regions of Central-South to the Regions destination of health travel.

The five major destinations for health tourism.
The latest report to Parliament on the financial management of regional health services puts Lombardy at the top of the list, which in 10 years has earned over 6.176 billion euros, followed by Emilia-Romagna (3.347 billion), Tuscany (1.336 billion), Veneto (1.138 billion) and Molise (271 million).

What happens in the Center-South.
Citizens of the regions that recorded the highest negative balance move in search of treatment: Campania (-2.93 billion), Calabria (-2.7 billion), Lazio (-2.1 billion), Sicily (-1.9 billion) and Puglia (-1.8 billion). According to the Court of Auditors, the greater or lesser attractiveness depends mainly on the higher quality and quantity of health services provided leading to a transfer of the population to the richest regions, in which there is a greater presence of university centers of excellence.

Read more at @Fortune Italia.

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