Italian tourism has exceeded pre-pandemia levels.
In the course of 2023, Italian tourism showed a strong recovery, so much so that it recorded overall results at levels comparable to those of 2019 before the outbreak of the pandemic. This is confirmed by a recent research presented by the Travel Innovation Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, during the annual Ttg Travel Experience in Rimini.
What is the state of the transports?
the section of the total transports – online and offline in the three components incoming, domestic and outgoing – this year it is worth altogether 23,7 billion euros and has grown of 41% regarding 2022 and, above all, of 9% on 2019, in which the total value was of 21,7 billion.
How is the hospitality industry doing?
Even the receptive sector – hotel and extra-hotel in total incoming and domestic flows – reached 35.8 billion and grew by 11% compared to 2022, exceeding 7% in 2019, whose total value was 33.4 billion euros.
E-commerce is driving force
The increase of the eCommerce is evident in the field of the transports, with an expense that touches 16,9 billion euros (71% of the total expenditure), but also in the industry of the hospitality, where it is recorded an expense of 19,4 billion euros (54% of the total expenditure).