The year 2024 is marked by the camper.
Outdoor tourism is becoming increasingly appreciated by Italians.
This is confirmed by the data of the Observatory on tourism of Human Company with Enit and Piepoli and global bookings on CamperDays that in 2023 increased by 57% compared to the previous year.
Although road travel has many advantages, there are still unforeseen events that can occur. Just follow a few simple tips to avoid unpleasant surprises.
- Don’t wear too many clothes! The act of getting rid of the superfluous also leads to freedom.
- Scrupulously plan your route to ensure you get on the best roads and don’t run out of fuel.
- Do not overdo it while driving. Driving for hours can cause you to lose your lucidity and the joy of being on holiday
- Perform a complete mechanical check before leaving.
- Personalize the spaces. It will lessen your feelings of homesickness
At Argos Assistance, we offer our customers worldwide mobility assistance services.
We provide immediate support to your customers in case of road accidents through a breakdown service and the recovery of complex vehicles.
During the call, the experts from our operations center analyze the case and activate the most appropriate rescue measures, proceeding when necessary to replace the vehicle.
Your data is processed in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
Do you want to know more about our mobility assistance service?
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