Ospedali italiani: primi a livello mondiale

Italy’s hospitals are leaders in the world.

The 12 new rankings of the best healthcare facilities in the world by specialty have included a significant number of Italian hospitals. Newsweek published the research and partnered with Statista’s research institute.

The study is based on interviews with a panel of experts composed of doctors and scientific journalists who evaluated over 2,300 hospitals in 28 countries around the world, taking into account hospital performance indices, to which are added the results of international research on the opinions and experiences of patients and health professionals.

Excellence is not exclusive to the USA.

American hospitals are the main factor in the rankings, but Italian structures are also well represented, surpassing France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. An indication of the quality of health care in our country.

The 12 rankings include a list of the top 300 hospitals for oncology and cardiology, the top 250 for pediatrics, the top 150 for cardiosurgery, endocrinology and gastroenterology, as well as the top 125 for neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, pneumology and urology. Lastly, the top 100 hospitals for obstetrics and gynecology.

The European Institute of Oncology (IEO) and the Institute of Cancer in Milan are among the top 20 in the world when it comes to oncology. Other Italian hospitals frequently mentioned include Monzino, Humanitas and Niguarda in Milan, Gemelli and Sant’Andrea in Rome, Azienda Ospedaliera in Padua, Sant’Orsola in Bologna and many other facilities, especially in the Centre-North regions.

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