Spagna Italia e Germania in vetta per il benessere

Spain, Italy and Germany top the list for wellbeing

Spanish (29%), Italian (26%), and German (24%) are the primary groups of wellness enthusiasts in Europe.
I vantaggi della Sanità digitale

Advantages of digital healthcare

In order to face the growing challenges in a society in which fewer and fewer children are born and which continues to grow old, a revolution in the health system is needed, starting with digitalization.

Artificial intelligence and health, according to WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published the document Regulatory considerations on Artificial Intelligence for health to promote a safe, effective and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the health field.
L’Intelligenza Artificiale fa bene al turismo?

Does Artificial Intelligence have a positive impact on tourism?

The use of artificial intelligence in the tourism industry is now a fact and continues to grow.