Spagna Italia e Germania in vetta per il benessere

Spain, Italy and Germany top the list for wellbeing

Spanish (29%), Italian (26%), and German (24%) are the primary groups of wellness enthusiasts in Europe.

The blockchain protects health data

What are the scenarios of Italian healthcare? Grazia Labate talks about it in an article published in Quotidiano Sanità.

What are the scenarios of Italian healthcare?

What are the scenarios of Italian healthcare? Grazia Labate talks about it in an article published in Quotidiano Sanità.

Artificial intelligence and machinelearning: popular in healthcare

Siamo sommersi da una valanga di dati creati e gestiti da ospedali, medici, case farmaceutiche e assicurazioni prodotti da Stati Uniti e Cina, mentre l’Europa si muove con un certo ritardo.